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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Ah Christmas....

Well, another holiday season coming to a close and for once I'm actually looking forward to seeing that horrid little beast on the floor (AKA the scale...). Surprisingly, I managed (I think) to deal pretty well with the ridiculous mounds of munchies floating around me all the time.

Kind of felt like one of those old 80s anti-drug ads, "just say NO". And so I did, sitting on my hands as visions of sugar plums (and plates of butter tarts, Ferrero Rochers, mincemeat tarts, sausage rolls, Torrone etc, etc, etc) floated by. Not to say that I was perfect, after all stuffing and gravy is the whole reason for a turkey! Still, reasonable portions, some decent choices and a completely out of character level of restraint where alcohol is concerned have given me reason to hope that I'll actually see a positive outcome to the end of the holiday season.

That being said, not scale watching really. Just that this early on I'm happy with any form of positive reinforcement I can find (of course any excuse to bounce around doing the "I am so great" dance doesn't hurt either, and patting yourself on the back has been proven to be an excellent stretching excercise).

Not going to check how it played out until Jan 5 so I'm sure I'll post something before the "big reveal".

Monday, December 21, 2009

Stumbling blocks

Another week, another post.

I've been stressed. There's a lot going on, not all of it work related, and its starting to get to me. Its not unusual, and I know I'm not alone in feeling this way, but its something that I don't generally have to deal with.

Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of stress in my job, but I've always considered myself a stress monkey, kind of got off on the rush. Now though I'm forced to confront another possible interpretation of things, that maybe in the most cliched of manners I've actually been one of those people who swallow their stress (along with huge quantities of food...)

I don't know for sure, but it certainly seems like since I started watching, and restricting, what I eat that my stress level has begun to climb. There are other factors of course, things I'm not about to write about here, but there definitely seems to be some correlation.

Outcome of all this? Beer. I've not done anywhere near as well in curtailing the pints after work as I have in other areas. Not to suggest I'm drinking more (though at this time of year that happens anyway), just that not only have I not really addressed it the way I've gone after everything else, but I'm really not feeling a huge urge to do so.

I guess that makes this my big challenge. Eating better has turned out to be easier than I expected, increasing my physical activity level sucks but its still doable, particularly when I factor in how much better I feel, but beer...I'm just not there yet.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Living up to your commitments

Went out for drinks last night with a couple of friends from work. Wasn't going to be a late night or anything, particularly because we'd gone out the night before as well...

Difference is, last night was a workout night. I work downtown and live on the northern edge of the 'burbs, an easy commute by train, however I didn't have anymore trains by the time I left. That was it, bus bound for home and then a short stroll to the house.

I got in and pulled off my jacket and the last thing I wanted to do was face the damn workout my trainer gave me. Ah well, commitments are commitments so I went ahead and did it anyway.

You know what? It wasn't that bad (I mean in comparison to my expectations), it was still a workout, but better than I feared.

Lesson learned! Its worse in my mind than it is on my body....Not a huge stretch for most of you, but for me it was a bit of a revelation.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Well, I've finally cracked...Years of refusing to join the blogspace tossed aside in favour (yes I am Canadian) of having a place where I can whine, rant and otherwise express myself (including, hopefully, patting myself vigourously on the back) during the course of the next while as I start my weight loss and training program.

Yup, that's right, another fat man losing weight blog. Since this is the first entry I'm not too concerned about how mine will be different from all the others, especially since I really don't see how it will...

However, it is mine, and if nothing else I get a place to vent, even if no one else reads it. And who knows, maybe someone will, maybe they'll even find something of value here. I guess time will tell. Anyway, on with the show!