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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Signed up and everything

Well, that's it. My registration is done, I am officially registered for the Try-A-Tri on June 19th. Went to my personal trainer yesterday, told him my plans and suddenly I have a bright shiny new program.

Ugh, did the new workout last so out of shape (colour me surprised there!). Feeling like a walking corpse today, no real aches, just freakin' exhausted! Ah well, if the training doesn't kill me the race probably (emphasis on probably) won't either.

Shopping for a bike this week, something I can use for at least the first year or so. Damn things aer pricey, I've bought vehicles with engines that cost less! Anyway, once I make my selection I'll post a pic so all of you (yes, all 3 of you...) can admire it.

Haven't made it to swimming in a couple of days, feeling pretty run down in the morning, gonna need to bite the bullet though. So far the swimming component seems to be the real issue, 375m isn't very much, but damn its work right now!

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