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Monday, April 5, 2010

Fear the scale...

I know I keep reiterating here that this is not about weight, its about a lifestyle change and getting healthier.  And I truly believe this.  Which really makes me question the reason that I can't seem to resist stepping on that stupid chunk of digital glass in my bathroom.

First of all, as anyone can tell you, your weight varies quite a bit during the course of a day, food consumed, water weight, even bathroom breaks all contribute to what the scale says.  Also, everything I've read, including pearls of wisdom from bloggers who have had a tremendous amount of success, says don't do it!  Weigh yourself once a week (max) and at the same time each time.

OK, got it, understand the theory, get the practical reasons behind it, and yet I still find myself looking at the scale, and more often than not, stepping on it.  I weigh in (officially that is) tomorrow so this is kind of irrelevant right now, but I am making a committment for next week (Tuesday on).  I will NOT step on the scale until the following Tuesday's weigh in.  I will resist all temptation and wait for the real tally.

My ongoing scale addiction aside, as I've blogged about for the last couple of weeks, I've not been rocking things in my quest to become "half the man".  Had some good days and some bad, but lacking the consistency I had earlier on.  I will admit I've managed to recommitt, and hope to see something good come out of tomorrow's weigh in, but if it doesn't I'm OK with that too (though my constant scale climbing sorta gives me a hint I think).  I do need to renew my regular workout schedule though, as that seems to be sliding, and now that the weather's improving running and biking outdoors is a great option, but doesn't really cover the resistance training component.

Funny how you have these ups and downs, things happen in life and they impact everything you do.  Still, this is about me, and if anything, adversity should just push me that much harder.  I'm not going to try to conquer this in one fell swoop, just say right here and now that this week I will:

Gym Tuesday morning
Swim Wednesday morning
Swim Thursday morning
Run Friday morning
Bike and run Saturday
Gym Sunday

There it is, one week.  I'll write at least one posting between now and them, but next week I promise that I will own up to how I did with staying off the scale and following through on this schedule.

1 comment:

  1. So ... I gave my scale away. Liberating. Do it.
    Leave it with your parents or something.
