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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Some pluses and minuses

Well, today was weigh in day.  First one in two weeks, and they were two weeks I can't say I'm really proud of from a weight loss/excerise/motivation perspective, so I was ready for a swift kick in the butt.  I didn't really get it...oh, don't get me wrong, I didn't do well, I only lost 0.2 lbs, but I didn't gain either.

I'm really not sure how I feel about that.  A part of me was really looking forward to the shock of gaining some back, that cold sense that all the work so far can easily just drift away.  As I've been reading other people's blogs about losing weight and excercising I've noticed that many of them talk about hitting plateaus.  These are points when for whatever reason, your body just says "nope, not going to shed another pound, stop begging". 

This is not a plateau.  I stalled.  Plateaus happen as the body adjusts to the changes occurring in it and you eventually push through and resume your weight loss as long as you stick to your guns.  Stalling is different.  Stalling is losing sight of your goal and slipping quietly back into the habits that got you here in the first place.  I'm back on track again, and so I'll admit to being pretty happy to not having to make back ground, but it worries me a bit.

It is soooo easy to fall back into bad habits, scary easy when you consider I actually like swimming, going to the gym and eating properly.  I also wonder that if I can fall off the horse for no apparent reason, how am I going to handle a plateau when even though I've done everything right I still don't see results.  Saying persevere is easy while everything's going well, but people talk about 2, even 3 weeks without any progress despite their best efforts.  I have to wonder how I'll stand up to that.

Anyway, an issue for another time.  And if there's one thing I can say about taking up blogging, I know at least I'll have a forum to bitch about it!!  For now, I'm looking forward to a good week, and a strong weigh in next week.  And if it doesn't play out that way, I'll just keep trying...

1 comment:

  1. I'm on a 6-month plateau.
    It happens.
    And, this journey is long. Be strong and carry on.
