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Friday, March 19, 2010

Didn't weigh in this week

Not going to make one, myself included cares to hear them anyway.  I'm going to hold off until Tuesday next week and do my weigh in then.  Have really been struggling this week, swam once, did a 2Km on Tuesday and really haven't done the swim/gym thing otherwise.

As happens periodically to everyone else working on losing weight and getting fit, I'm in the doldrums right now.  Its as though the 50lb mark took some of the wind out of my sails.  Just not feeling the level of motivation I was before.  Not to worry though, I will find it again!  In some ways its really good to have this happen, I need to know that there will be problems and times when its not as easy as others, and I can still recommitt and keep going.

On the plus side, I've had several people comment this week on the fact that they can really see the weight loss.  That definitely feels good!  Still a tremendous distance to go, but a little external validation of your successes helps a lot.

I've decided to start posting more regularly here, I find that it makes me more accountable on some level, and accountability is key (for me at least).  I've been reading other blogs from people who are 100+ lbs overweight and are trying to get healthier, they're all really inspirational to me and its good to see that we all have the same issues with motivation at times.  I really hope that someone can read this and find the same thing!  I'm going to throw some recipes and such up here as well, my new mission is to try to "skinny" down some of my favourite dishes and see if I can keep them palatable :)

As far as my recommittment is concerned, its a beautiful day today in Toronto, I'm going for a bike ride this evening (hopefully the chain will stay in one piece this time...) and if the weather holds out for another day I'll run/walk tomorrow morning.  I have a couple of plans in the hopper right now and will update as things progress, but for now I'm going to focus on getting my head back in the game.

1 comment:

  1. You should blog more - if only for the manly adrenaline rush :) ha.
    I'm totally looking forward to running outside. Cannot wait.
